The Availity Provider Portal gives you the info, tools and resources you need to support the day-to-day needs of your patients and office. You can still access the old Medicaid Web Portal (MWP) too.
You now have access to a member’s eligibility and benefits in the Provider Portal. Simply click on “Patient Registration” to find the Eligibility and Benefits functionality.
You can review claims payment info and download a PDF of the Explanation of Benefits (EOB). Simply submit a claims status inquiry request. Then, choose “View EOB” from the results page.
The Provider Portal helps you spend less time on administration. This way, you can focus more on patient care. You get a one-stop portal to quickly perform key functions you do every day.
You can:
If your practice already uses Availity, simply contact your administrator to request a username. If you don’t know who your administrator is, call Availity at 1-800-282-4528 for help.
If your practice is new to Availity, you can use the registration link below to set up your account.
Need help registering for Availity? Browse tips, webinars and training to get on board.
Availity registration resources
Make sure your details are up to date in our directories. This helps members find you. It also helps you get payments and communications on time.
Just call 1-855-463-0933.
*HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).
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